ABN Amro

ABN AMRO introduces
The Sustainaball
ABN AMRO is a Dutch bank that wants to accelerate the sustainability shift from a banking perspective. Our task was to apply this ambition to the current sponsorship of the ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament in Rotterdam. We used the insight of 300 million tennis balls that are produced every year, of which zero to none gets recycled. Something we wanted to change. We developed a brand new recycling process that uses old tennis balls to make new ones: The Sustainaball.
A nationwide campaign was launched to call out for help to collect as many old tennis balls as possible.
At tennis clubs, ABN AMRO offices and at the tournament in Ahoy Rotterdam. Not only tens of thousands of old tennis balls made our way. Great numbers of media exposure were obtained in national and international media, including Finextra.com, NOS news, AD newspaper and TV show ‘As the world turns’ (De Wereld Draait Door).